Thursday 18 July 2013

This Is The End Trailer Analysis

When the famous actor James Franco hosts a party at his Hollywood home, the celebrity guests end up hiding out there as the apocalypse ravages the world around them.
One of the unique selling points of the film is that the actor's are playing themselves, which allows them to play an over the top caricatured version of themselves, and also make fun of the way that the press represents them. Also, fans of the film Pineapple Express will go and watch the film, as it has the same creative team, and has many of the cast in the new film. 
The narrative of the film is very similar to other films of it's genre, as it has a mixture of satire, with the celebrities making fun of themselves. It also features several cameos from other high profile actors, such as Emma Watson, Channing Tatum and the pop star Rihanna. This will urge people to watch the film, as they will want to see if they can make fun of themselves, and if they can do it well.

Sunday 14 July 2013

The Wolverine Trailer Analysis

"When the infamous Wolverine is found by a Japanese woman brandishing a sword, he ends up following her on a journey that frees him for the curse of his immortatlity."

The narrative of the trailer shows us the general storyline of the film, with Logan being found by Yukio and sent to a man he saved from a nuclear blast several years ago. He offers Logan a solution to his immortality, that will finally let him die and be with his deceased lover, Jean Grey, also known as the phoenix. The rest of the trailer follows Logan on his journey, showing him fighting assasins and nijas, and eventually the Marvel Comics villain named Silver Samurai.

One of the unique selling point of the film is that the main star, Hugh Jackman, has gained more of a high profile since the last Wolverine film. Having bagged himself an Oscar, this means that people will be intrigued to see how he goes from playing Jean Valjean in Les Miserables, to an indestructible mutant with metal claws. Another unique selling point is that it is centred around Wolverine, a high profile character from Marvel Comics. It also feautres a cameo from Famke Janssen, the actress who played Jean Grey, a character who was killed in another film of the franchise, X-Men: The Last Stand. 

Thursday 11 July 2013

The Vow Trailer Analysis

The Vow is a 2012 film starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. It centres around a recently married couple, who are blissfully happy and have just begun their married life by moving in together. However, their happiness is shattered when they are in a car crash, leaving Paige (McAdams) having no memory of her new husband.

The Vow's trailer fits the convention of a romance film by using things such as romantic music, high-key lighting and bright colour. It opens with a wedding, a common event in romantic comedies, and then has a tragic event, a common story used in romance films.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

X-Men: Days of Future Past Poster Analysis

X-Men: Days of Future Past is an upcoming 2014 action film, and the newest instalment in Fox's X-Men franchise. For the new film, which is based on one of the most successful comic book stories of all time, the cast of the original trilogy and X-Men: First Class will come together in what's being called 'the biggest superhero film of all time.' Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian Mckellen return as Professor X and Magneto respectively, as do James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender.

The format of the poster is extremely simple. The actor who originally played the character is in the background in black and white, and layered over the top is an X with the modern actor in a bold colour, playing on the name of the franchise. The poster manages to hint at the storyline of the film, showing both sets of actors makes people think about the size and scale of the film. Each character has their own colour, with Professor X having blue, a calm colour, and Magneto having red, the colour of anger.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Safe Haven Trailer Analysis

Safe Haven is a 2013 film about a woman called Erin who runs away from an abusive relationship, only to find a new life in a small town. She meets a man named Tom, and they eventually fall in love. However, Erin's past catches up with her, eventually threatening her life.
The narrative of the trailer is very much like that of the film, showing us clips of Erin running away from Boston and to the safety of Southport. It then shows us how the events unfold in the film, but without giving us the events that take place at the end. We see that Tom has two children from a previous relationship, which means that their may be the common conflict in romance films where the children do not want their mother to be replaced.
The film is set in a place called Southport, where there is a beach, and the weather is traditionally clear. The audience will automatically assume that the film is set in the present day. All of the sets seem to be genuine houses, rather than scenery that had to be built for the film. The costumes that the characters wear are generally normal clothes, making the audience see them as slightly more human.
The key light for most of the outdoor scenes was the sun, as they filmed near the coast, meaning that a lot of the time they had the natural light that they needed. The outdoor scenes probably had several lights, as they have to make sure that the actors body language and facial expressions can be seen.
The trailer has a wide range of camera shots, but has several close ups on Josh Duhamel, which will make female audiences want to see him in the film, as he is the stereotypical male used for romance films. There is an establishing shot of the seaside town, and of the main character's house.
Some of the shots used have a soft focus, as this further reiterates the gentle tones that are usually found in romance films. In establishing shots or action shots, there is a deep focus, as that makes it easy for the audience to establish what the setting is.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Mirrors Poster

The genre for the film is a horror/thriller, and the poster conveys this by having lowkey lighting, and it also has very bleak colours, apart from the tittle which is written in red. The colour of blood. The poster has a dark feel to it, as the slogan at the bottom of the page, with the word Evil strongly hinting that the film has an antagonist, and the title making it sound supernatural. The title of the film is a standard horror film style title, as the font is traditional and seems as though it has been used before. The film shows three of themain characters, and showcases the actor who plays the lead to entice fans of his work to go and see the film. The title style has an R facing the opposite way to the R next to it, playing on the name on the film. The film slogan has a smaller font and is written in white, seperated in the middle by the child who is looking at his reflection in the pool below.