Wednesday 10 July 2013

X-Men: Days of Future Past Poster Analysis

X-Men: Days of Future Past is an upcoming 2014 action film, and the newest instalment in Fox's X-Men franchise. For the new film, which is based on one of the most successful comic book stories of all time, the cast of the original trilogy and X-Men: First Class will come together in what's being called 'the biggest superhero film of all time.' Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian Mckellen return as Professor X and Magneto respectively, as do James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender.

The format of the poster is extremely simple. The actor who originally played the character is in the background in black and white, and layered over the top is an X with the modern actor in a bold colour, playing on the name of the franchise. The poster manages to hint at the storyline of the film, showing both sets of actors makes people think about the size and scale of the film. Each character has their own colour, with Professor X having blue, a calm colour, and Magneto having red, the colour of anger.

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