Monday 10 March 2014

Evaluation Activity 2:

The three texts compliment each other as advertisements, firstly the trailer shows the audience what they can expect from this particular film, by showing clips of semi important scenes, and showing characters that link to Propps theory of Narrative. Emma as the hero, Zombies as the villains, Shanie is the Helper/Donor and the Princess was Beating the zombies/surviving the Apocalypse.

The poster that we created fit in with the trailer very well, we used a photograph where the make-up had already been done, because it created a good link with the trailer, as it was a similar make-up seen at the end of the trailer. The way the bold font of 'Virus' stands out works well, because the Audience's eyes will be drawn straight to it. The use of having different magazines and what they thought of the film is a technique used so that people get the urge to see it, as they see that some very high profile media products enjoyed the film. The enigmas that the poster creates are: Where has this virus come from, Is that what all the zombies will look like and "Will I enjoy it as much as these companies did?"

The magazine poster we created worked well, the use of a zombie hand links to the trailer and poster, but shows a different side to the zombies, as we haven't shown them coming back from the dead. I think that the cover compliments the trailer and poster, as it keeps the bright red colour we've used in all of the promotional material. The cover compliments the poster due to the relation between the Zombie's body parts, i.e a zombie hand and the side of a zombie face.

The poster, trailer and magazine cover are all very effective on their own, but much stronger as a collective. They all go together, although there are some parts that could be improved. For example, the magazine cover looks very similar to the promotional material of Oz: The Great and Powerful.

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