Friday 4 April 2014

Evaluation Activity 4

The technology/software we used were Youtube/Photoshop/iMovie and Blogger. Youtube was very helpful, we used it to analyse film trailers so that we could get a good look on how trailers are structured and how they are set up. Youtube also helped us on how we could create the perfect look for our zombies, after detailed research into tutorials we created a youtube tutorial. This was effective because by doing this it gave a theatrical look. Looking back at our work from year 12, the make-up has improved dramatically, from just simple blood splatters to full on zombie make-up.

Photoshop was really important in the developing of the poster and the magazine, for the poster we could manipulate certain photos to create the poster, we cropped the photograph and made it look visually horror-like. We then added the title and the company ratings to really make it look like a poster. The magazine that we came up with worked because we just had to manipulate it and photoshop some different photos together. Abbie is incredibly knowledgable when it comes to phosohop, so she was a key part of creating and designing the poster and magazine cover. 

We have used iMovie over our two year course, we used it in Year 12 to create our opening 2 minutes and preliminary task. It worked really well, so we decided to use it to edit our trailer. We also used iMovie because we are more familiar with that than Adobe Premier. Blogger was also part of the process, as we could record our research and planning so that he has something to base his trailer on. 

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