Monday 14 October 2013

Zombie Film Questionnaire

-The responses we get from our questionnaire will help us in shaping our film and the content of our trailer. We decided we'd like to ask questions to do with characters and locations as well, as they will help us to craft our trailer.

Zombie Film Questionnaire:

Please note that on questions with an asterisk (*) you can choose more than one answer.

1. Do you enjoy watching Zombie films?
  - Yes
  - No
  -It depends on the content of the film.

2. Would you prefer a male or female protaganist?
  - Male
  - Female
  - Either

3. Which of the locations would you like to see in a zombie film?*
  - A school
  - A field
  - An Empty Multi-storey Car Park
  - A House

4. Do you prefer the wounds/deaths in films to be tame or gory?
  - Tame
  - Gory
  - Either

5. Do you think that having a protaganist at a similar age to you will make you want to see the film?
  - Yes
  - No
  - Possibly

6. Which of the following things would you like in the trailer for a film?*
  - Action
  - Hints of the Plot
  - Character Backstories
  - All of the Above

7. Which Sub-genres would you like to be addressed in the film?*
  - Comedy
  - Romance
  - Sci-Fi

8. Would you prefer the film to be set in the present of twenty years in the future?
  - In the Present
  - Twenty Years in the Future
  - Either

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