Friday 25 October 2013

Representation and Stereotyping in our Film.

Our film's main cast is a group of teenagers that haven't been effected by the zombie virus that is infecting the world. As we are using teenagers, we have decided that we should use some stereotypes to build the characters, and then have some moments where their stereotypes are subverted. For example, the ditzy blonde girl will end up being smarter than the other people have realised.

One of the stereotypes we are using is the good looking, sporty guy. We decided to have the character because we thought we could subvert his stereotype by making him the most scared of the zombies. By subverting this stereotype we are trying to show that in certain situations, the person who is supposed to be brave and heroic is in fact a complete and utter coward.

As mentioned above, the other stereotype is the blonde girl whose quite ditzy. We wanted to have this character, as it would be interesting to subvert her stereotype by having her make some of the bolder scientific statements of the film. Also, the other characters will think that she isn't intelligent, and will therefore be talking to her as if she won't understand certain things, such as how the virus spread and other things.

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