Thursday 21 November 2013

Script: First Draft

-film production company logo-
[fade out sliding shots of the school with students]
Rebel: (gearing up, to cycle around school outside)
[fading slide transition shot to gym]
Jock: (in the background playing basket ball)
Cheerleader: (painting her nails in the focused part of the shot)
[fading to science room]
Geek: (conducting an experiment that emits smoke)
[fades to art classroom]
Outcast: (painting the zombies from inside the classroom whilst munching)
Rebel: (cycles past on his bike)
Zombies: (follow rebel on the bike)
Outcast: (rushes towards the window and watches the zombies follow the rebel)
[cuts to science classroom]
Rebel: (cycles past)
Zombies: (follow shortly behind the rebel)
Outcast: (rushes into science room)
Geek: (grabs coat) seriously
Outcast: (scattley rushes out the room)
[geek and outcast are running down the long corridor]
Geek, Outcast: (take chains off the door handle and removes barricades)
{zombies shouting gets louder}
[geek and outcast hold open the doors]
Rebel: (races through the doors towards the camera)
Geek,outcast: (walk away from the door watching rebel cycle up the corridor)
{side on close up of out cast face and geek in the background}
Outcast: sniggers
{door slams open}
outcast, geek: (look at eachother *pause breath out* run)
[cut to sports hall]

[jock cycles into the hall followed short after by geek and outcast]
cheerleader: WHAT DID YOU DO? (to rebel)
rebel: (take helmet off) relax princess
geek: (closes doors)
[cast join together in the middle of the hall using random weapon like tennis racket]
{the sound begins to get louder and the doors are rattling}
[close up of cast adding suspense]

{three violent sounds of stabbing and blood}

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