Friday 28 June 2013

Avengers Assemble: Poster Analysis

Avengers Assemble: Poster Analysis

The poster for Avengers Assemble is extremely ambitious, it does it's best to show off quite a large, star studded cast. After all, what's the point of having an Avengers film if all of them aren't on the poster? The poster manages to fit all of the famous faces onto the poster effectively, and hints at the blot with the background of the poster. Right at the front of the poster they have Iron Man, played by Robert Downey Junior. Iron Man is the most succesful property from Marvel Studios, so it doesn't take a lot of guessing to understand why he is the largest actor on the poster. Thor, Captain America and Hulk have all had solo films released, so they are slightly larger on the poster, whereas Nick Fury, Black Widow and Hawkeye have only appeared in the previous films, never had their own. The text of the poster has the Avenger's signature A with an arrow going through it.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Hunger Games: Catching Fire Trailer Analysis

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is a 2013 film based on the book of the same name. It was being directed by Francis Lawrence and distributed by Lionsgate (The company behind the first Twilight film). The film is the second in The Hunger Games franchise, based around a young girl in the future who is forced to fight to the death against other teenagers in an arena. The film is to be followed by the films Mockingjay: Part One and Mockingjay: Part Two, which are going to be released in 2014 and 2015 respectively. 

Jennifer Lawrence is an American actress who shot to fame in the film Winter's Bone, for her performance she was nominated for an Academy Award. She is the second youngest actress to ever be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress. She took on the role of Katniss Everdeen after reading the books that the film series is based on, she also made a name for herself by replacing Rebecca Romijjin as Mystique in the X-Men franchise. 
The film requires a large special effects budget as a futuristic city is required, as are fight sequences, explosions and simulations. In the trailer it shows off the special effects, showing off a training simulation that the contestants of the Hunger Games must take part in. 

The film fits into the genre of Science Fiction and Action, as the film contains action sequences, but is set in a dystopian future. It challenges the stereotypes of action, as it has a woman doing most of the fighting and her saving her boyfriend from being killed a lot of the time. The film centres around Katniss trying to stop a rebellion before changing her mind and deciding to lead it.

Trailer Analysis

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Man of Steel Magazine Cover Analysis.

As a part of the Man of Steel promotion, Empire Magazine had two different covers, featuring the primary protagonist and antagonist of the film. The layout of both of them is the main subject is in the foreground, placing the EMPIRE title behind the main subject (Superman or General Zod). The Superman cover has Metropolis being destroyed and obviously being attacked by something, and the General Zod cover has his and Superman's home planet, with General Zod walking away from a metallic structure. The top of the cover has a line of text saying that it is one of the collectible covers, convincing a reader to buy both as they are 'collectors items'. The cover's give a small hint as to what the film is about, hinting at an alien world and a city being destroyed. It also mentions a confrontation between the two cover stars, as in the line of text above the logo says 'Superman VS General Zod.' 

The font that that stands out the most is the EMPIRE logo, as it is the largest and immediately draws your eye. The genre is conveyed mostly through the costume's of the characters, as capes are traditionally donned by superheroes. The unique selling point is that the cover is quite bare, with no other text on it. This suggests that the film is important, and those wanting a lot of information on the film would pick the magazine up, as it suggests the issue is solely about Man of Steel.

Man of Steel Poster Analysis

The superhero genre is referenced in the poster as the main character, Superman, is flying over a cityat a very fast speed, referencing the superpowers that are often featured in superhero films. We also see the Superman logo twice, once on the costume of the
character, and again behind the title of the film. When you see the Superman logo you think of superheroes. The sci-fi element of the film could be referenced by the blue light in the corner of the poster, which suggests the alien invasion which is confirmed to take place in the film.

I think the unique selling point of the film is that it is the newest Superman film in a long time, and it has the director's name and a couple of the previous films he's directed listed with his name. Below he director's name it has the cast, which includes a wide variety of well known actor's. They include people such as Amy Adams and Russell Crowe, who are both superstars after their respective film careers, and their occasional gritty roles.

The color of the poster overall is quite bland, the city below Superman is grey and white, however the character of Superman is bright and colourful, with the traditional colours of his costume standing out against the plain background. The bottom oft he poster, which is entirely black, has the red and yellow Superman logo which stands out against the block colour, and attracts the readers eye to the title of the film.

The poster meets the conventions of other film posters as it has the convention of having the main character in the forefront and where it is set as the background. It also establishes a scene of the film, as chances are Superman will be seen flying over a city, as it's a shot that's been in used in most of his films. At the bottom of the poster it has the basic information of the film, such as it's release date, website and studio.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Man of Steel Trailer Analysis.

Man of Steel Analysis
Man of Steel is a 2013 film based on the popular comic book character Superman. The film was directed by Zack Snyder (300, Sucker Punch), produces by Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception), and distributed by Warner Bros. The film is the first of a franchise, with Warner Bros hoping to emulate the method that Disney used with the Avengers franchise using the well known DC Comics team The Justice League. Man of Steel is the first film of the shared universe, with speculation that Wonder Woman and Aquaman will be hitting screens before the 2016 release of Justice League.
The director of the film, Zack Snyder, is most know for his 2007 film 300. This film was also inspired by a comic book series, and was heavily criticised by some parts of the media ebcause of the political content. Fans of the film enjoyed the action scenes and cinematography of the film, so they may go and see Man of Steel in the hope that it will have the same sort of content as 300. One of the more recent releases from Snyder was Sucker Punch, which he had written and directed. The film featured dance sequences and included action scenes. The film was badly received but had acquired a cult following since it's release, with fans of the film petitioning for a sequel or rerelease. Fans of Sucker Punch may go to see the film to see how he handles translating the severely science fiction world of Superman into the real world.
Henry Cavill is a british actor, famous for his work on the televison series, the Tudors which was based on the life of Henry VIII. Fans of his work on the series could go see the film, to see him if he can gor from a medieval man to a Superman. Amy Adams, who gained success playing the princess Giselle in the 2007 film Enchanted, and then went on to have a role in the 2012 relaunch of the Muppets series, and when the announcement of her casting as popular heroine Lois Lane was announced it was met with mixed reactions. People could go and see the film to see if she can act in a film that isn't aimed just at children.
The film's special effects budget would have had to be large, as Superman's powers include heat vision, flight, super strength and freeze breath, those effects mixed in with the alien invasion that takes place in the film wouldn't have been cheap. In the trailers it shows off some of the special effects, and people who like the look of them may feel an urge to watch the film. Also, comic book fans may feel inclined to see thefilm, wanting to see if the films special effects match with the representations of the comic books.
The film fits into the genre's of Science Fiction and Action, as the film contains action sequences, but also has elements of the 1980's series, with a focus on the scientific aspect of Superman's powers. It fits the stereotypes of action, as it has the damsel in distress and the main antagonist who takes her prisoner, with the main protaganist having to fight through hordes of enemies to get her back and gain the public's trust. The film is written as an origin story of Superman, showing how he went from Clarke Kent to the Man of Steel.
Man of Steel Trailer Analysis

One of the first things shown in the trailer is the logo's for the companies that have been involved in producing/licensing the film. The logo's are shown for a few seconds before fading, this ties in with the mysterious feel of the trailer.

The music of the trailer is a key feature, it has a very dramatic tone to it, and helps reiterate that this isn't another 'Underwear Over The Trousers' Superman movie, but a fast paced, sci-fi esque modern interpretation. The use of a classical instrumental track helps with the serious nature of the trailer, the composer, Hans Zimmerman, also worked on the Dark Knight trilogy. 

The first clips shown in the trailer are quite slow and tranquil with a fading transition, stating quite clearly that if the audience want to fill in the gaps, they'll have to go and see the film. As the trailer goes on, the pace of the clips rises, with the final shot being of Superman breaking the sound barrier as he takes flight.

The trailer shows us shots of Superman's life before he donned the cape, showing us his childhood and the time right before he discovered his alien heritage. One of the standout clips is a teenage Superman saving a schoolbus of young children from drowning, this shot establishes that Superman was 'born a hero.' At the end of the trailer we see Superman in action, the trailer attempts to get the audience excited about seeing Superman in action, only to find that he only appears in costume for a few seconds. However, the fan reaction to the trailer has been positive, with them praising Snyder's cinematography.