Tuesday 25 June 2013

Man of Steel Poster Analysis

The superhero genre is referenced in the poster as the main character, Superman, is flying over a cityat a very fast speed, referencing the superpowers that are often featured in superhero films. We also see the Superman logo twice, once on the costume of the
character, and again behind the title of the film. When you see the Superman logo you think of superheroes. The sci-fi element of the film could be referenced by the blue light in the corner of the poster, which suggests the alien invasion which is confirmed to take place in the film.

I think the unique selling point of the film is that it is the newest Superman film in a long time, and it has the director's name and a couple of the previous films he's directed listed with his name. Below he director's name it has the cast, which includes a wide variety of well known actor's. They include people such as Amy Adams and Russell Crowe, who are both superstars after their respective film careers, and their occasional gritty roles.

The color of the poster overall is quite bland, the city below Superman is grey and white, however the character of Superman is bright and colourful, with the traditional colours of his costume standing out against the plain background. The bottom oft he poster, which is entirely black, has the red and yellow Superman logo which stands out against the block colour, and attracts the readers eye to the title of the film.

The poster meets the conventions of other film posters as it has the convention of having the main character in the forefront and where it is set as the background. It also establishes a scene of the film, as chances are Superman will be seen flying over a city, as it's a shot that's been in used in most of his films. At the bottom of the poster it has the basic information of the film, such as it's release date, website and studio.

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