Friday 28 June 2013

Avengers Assemble: Poster Analysis

Avengers Assemble: Poster Analysis

The poster for Avengers Assemble is extremely ambitious, it does it's best to show off quite a large, star studded cast. After all, what's the point of having an Avengers film if all of them aren't on the poster? The poster manages to fit all of the famous faces onto the poster effectively, and hints at the blot with the background of the poster. Right at the front of the poster they have Iron Man, played by Robert Downey Junior. Iron Man is the most succesful property from Marvel Studios, so it doesn't take a lot of guessing to understand why he is the largest actor on the poster. Thor, Captain America and Hulk have all had solo films released, so they are slightly larger on the poster, whereas Nick Fury, Black Widow and Hawkeye have only appeared in the previous films, never had their own. The text of the poster has the Avenger's signature A with an arrow going through it.

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