Friday 20 December 2013

Zombie Film Posters

Most Zombie film posters have a lack of colour on them, apart from maybe red, which signifies the blood and gore that is often associated with films of the Zombie Genre. The posters usually feature one main subject, for example a zombie, or in the case of the 2009 film Zombieland, the world after the Zombie apocalypse has taken over. The poster usually has it's title written in the colour red as it is associated with blood, and it is usually made to look like it was made out of blood as well.

With our poster, we wanted to keep the conventional feel of a zombie poster, as we felt like it would work with what we wanted it to do.We liked the idea of having a plain black background.

Virus Teaser Trailer

While we were producing our film trailer, we decided to create a teaser trailer for our film. A teaser trailer is usually released a long time before the main trailer, and is used to build hype around the film. We decided to create one, as we wanted the chance to play around with marketing, and see what ideas we could apply to the teaser. We added rock music and a special filter to the footage to enhance the cold and isolation of the footage.

We decided to have the scene set in a fire escape so that we could show that you cannot escape from the zombies, as they are everywhere.We used fake blood because Blood and Gore are constantly used in Zombie films as it reiterates the horror of someone having parts of them eaten. We don't specify wether the person behind the door is a zombie or a victim, helping to create an atmosphere of uncertainty. We wanted the audience to question what they would do if they were on this side of the door.
Overall we are happywith the syle of our teaser trailer and we really enjoyed creating it.

VIRUS Development Shots


Research and Planning Provisional Marks

You need to respond to your previous targets George and you need to provide some analysis of the images and video posts you've posted recently. You analysis of trailers is brief and could be more analytical. It's hard to work out what you've been doing and when you've been doing it from your blog - so include some details of dates and times. You need to push yourself over Christmas to improve your result for research and planning George. 12/20

Saturday 23 November 2013

Script: Second Draft


-green banner-
[fade out sliding shots of the school with students]

{dark suspense music}

[extream close up, to close up on Rebels face]
Rebel: (rebel is stareing into the camera and puts helmit on)

[wide shot of the Rebel on the bike]
Rebel: (cycles down and into something that gets his bike stuck)

{Zombies sounds get louder}

[medium shot of Rebel, slowly closing in on his face]

Rebel: (panicing trying to get the bike out)

[close up of bike part thats stuck]

Rebel: (frantically shaking the bike and kicking it) {groans to himself} FU

-cuts to production company-

Rebel: (running round corner) {screaming} OPEN THE DOOR

[close up of feet running round corner]

[medium shot of double doors]

Geek/outcast: (unblocking door)

[low angle close up of the door]

{screams getting louder}

geek: (pulling off the chain from the door)

geek/outcast: (pull open door)

Rebel: (dives in through doors)

[medium shot taken from the floor of rebel]

all: (they rush off and rebel get up off the floor)

[medium shot of jock playing basket ball from side on in the hall]

rebel/geek/outcast: (Rush through doors)

geek: (chains up door)

{zombies getting louder}

[medium shot of boys in diamond formation]

all: (struggling to keep door shut)

geek: (turns to rebel) this is ALL YOUR FAULT (starts strangling him)

[close up of rebel being strangled]

rebel: (puts hands over geeks face)

{sound of gun two shot}

[close up of jocks face jumping]

{punching and fight sound from outside the door}

all: (back away from the door)

hero: (pushes open doors)

Friday 22 November 2013

Planning Targets

You need to have evidenced the following by next Wednesday: Storyboard, location research, interviews with at least two actors, timeline of what's being filmed and when, audience profile (based on pearl and dean market research into a similar film.)

Thursday 21 November 2013

Script: First Draft

-film production company logo-
[fade out sliding shots of the school with students]
Rebel: (gearing up, to cycle around school outside)
[fading slide transition shot to gym]
Jock: (in the background playing basket ball)
Cheerleader: (painting her nails in the focused part of the shot)
[fading to science room]
Geek: (conducting an experiment that emits smoke)
[fades to art classroom]
Outcast: (painting the zombies from inside the classroom whilst munching)
Rebel: (cycles past on his bike)
Zombies: (follow rebel on the bike)
Outcast: (rushes towards the window and watches the zombies follow the rebel)
[cuts to science classroom]
Rebel: (cycles past)
Zombies: (follow shortly behind the rebel)
Outcast: (rushes into science room)
Geek: (grabs coat) seriously
Outcast: (scattley rushes out the room)
[geek and outcast are running down the long corridor]
Geek, Outcast: (take chains off the door handle and removes barricades)
{zombies shouting gets louder}
[geek and outcast hold open the doors]
Rebel: (races through the doors towards the camera)
Geek,outcast: (walk away from the door watching rebel cycle up the corridor)
{side on close up of out cast face and geek in the background}
Outcast: sniggers
{door slams open}
outcast, geek: (look at eachother *pause breath out* run)
[cut to sports hall]

[jock cycles into the hall followed short after by geek and outcast]
cheerleader: WHAT DID YOU DO? (to rebel)
rebel: (take helmet off) relax princess
geek: (closes doors)
[cast join together in the middle of the hall using random weapon like tennis racket]
{the sound begins to get louder and the doors are rattling}
[close up of cast adding suspense]

{three violent sounds of stabbing and blood}

Friday 25 October 2013

Representation and Stereotyping in our Film.

Our film's main cast is a group of teenagers that haven't been effected by the zombie virus that is infecting the world. As we are using teenagers, we have decided that we should use some stereotypes to build the characters, and then have some moments where their stereotypes are subverted. For example, the ditzy blonde girl will end up being smarter than the other people have realised.

One of the stereotypes we are using is the good looking, sporty guy. We decided to have the character because we thought we could subvert his stereotype by making him the most scared of the zombies. By subverting this stereotype we are trying to show that in certain situations, the person who is supposed to be brave and heroic is in fact a complete and utter coward.

As mentioned above, the other stereotype is the blonde girl whose quite ditzy. We wanted to have this character, as it would be interesting to subvert her stereotype by having her make some of the bolder scientific statements of the film. Also, the other characters will think that she isn't intelligent, and will therefore be talking to her as if she won't understand certain things, such as how the virus spread and other things.

Friday 18 October 2013

Well done so far! Include some pie charts to support your analysis of your questionnaire and design or find titles that will create brand identity. Some location research and storyboard needs to be evidenced by Friday - that way you can film some footage over half-term. A long term target: video-blog things like make-up trails and costume sourcing! You need to revisit my previous targets George to demonstrate higher level research. Keep going!

Music Software

If we are unable to find a non copyright piece of music to put in our two minuets we will be using Garage band to create some.
Garage Band is an apple software we will be using. Due to the fact we will be using imovie, that influenced our choice in music software.


Influential Film DIrectors

Alfred Hitchcock
Psycho, Birds and Rear Window
Aspects of horror but mainly a thriller director. His ability to build suspence and keep the audience terrified for days after seeing his films.
Takashi Shimizu
The Grudge
I feel Shimizu is the best horror/ thriller director, I feel his films have a lasting effect on there audience. The clear language barrior he presents in the film between Gellar and the japanese people really emphasises how alone she is which i think is a big contributer to the success of the franchise.

Wes Craven
Wesley Earl "Wes" Craven is an American film director, writer, producer, and actor known for his work on horror films, particularly slasher films.
Wes Craven is the creator of such films like the Scream franchise,
My Soul to Take and a zombie themed
Guillermo Del Toro
Guillermo del Toro is a Mexican film director, screenwriter, producer, and novelist. In his filmmaking career, del Toro has alternated between Spanish dark fantasy pieces.
Guillermo del Toro most famous films that he has created are; The Hell boy series, Pans Labyrinth   

Plot Summary/Film Brief

Fifteen years have passed since the united nations released a virus that would help control the population of the world and the years that followed saw the population start to dwindle. The United Nations believed that the virus was successful, and released it with no further testing. This mistake proved to be fatal. Two years after the second strain was released, a man in Colorado had his throat ripped out by his girlfriend, who then ate his internal organs, turning completely feral.

Fast forward eight years, where the world has been ravaged by Zombies, and the only people unaffected are those under the age of 18. A small group of teenagers form a group in there school where they fight for survival until the arrival of Jen Lowe. After saving the group leader she is brought back to headquarters where she informs them of the possible cure being held in a government building.

Font and Title Research

We decided that the font of our film should be in red, as it is a bold colour that makes people think of blood. We went on to several different websites and found fonts that we thought would fit well with our film, once we'd selected a few we used them with a few titles we'd been thinking of using for our film: Virus, Outbreak, Zombie Run and Eighteen.

Virus: We thought that Virus was an interesting title to use as it fits with the story, and we used this font as it is reminiscent of zombies rising from the dead.

Outbreak: Outbreak was an interesting title because it also hints at how the Zombie plague spread across the world. We used this font because it's similar to blood spattering and that will fit in with our film as people are fighting against zombies.

Zombie Run: We liked the title of Zombie Run as this is what the main characters would be doing through the film. This font is a very stereotypical horror font that is reminiscent of the classic horror films that were released in the 1970's.

Eighteen: The title Eighteen is linked into the fact that in the film no people under the age of 18 can become a zombie, as that is the mutation of the disease.We liked this font as it is quite messy and looks like it has been written in blood.

Soundtrack Research

1. Blue Öyster Cult -- Don't Fear the Reaper
2. Chuck Mangione -- Feels So Good
3. Crash Kings -- Its Only Wednesday
4. Doves -- Kingdom of Rust
5. Hank Williams -- I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
6. John Stafford Smith -- The Star-Spangled Banner
7. Kristin Chenoweth -- Popular
8. Marching Band -- Feel Good About It
9. Metallica -- For Whom the Bell Tolls
10. Metric -- Gold Guns And Girls
11. Paul Anka -- Puppy Love
12. Ray Parker Jr. -- Ghostbusters
13. Success -- Hard to come back
14. The Black Keys -- Your Touch
15. The Droge & Summers Blend -- Two Of The Lucky Ones
16. The Raconteurs -- Salute Your Solution
17. Van Halen -- Everybody Wants Some
18. Velvet Underground -- The Oh! Sweet Nuthin'
19. Willie Nelson -- Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain
20. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -- The Marriage Of Figaro, K.492

Shaun of the dead- Zombie Nation.

01. Resident Evil - Red Queen 00:00
02. Slipknot - My Plague (New Abuse Mix) 00:04
03. Marilyn Manson - The Fight Song (Slipknot Remix) 03:06
04. Coal Chamber - Something Told Me 06:56
05. The Crystal Method - Name Of The Game (Clean Name) 10:18
06. Adema - Everyone 13:52
07. Fear Factory - Invisible Wounds (The Suture Mix) 17:26
08. Static-X - Anything But This 21:03
09. Rammstein - Halleluja 25:06
10. Depeche Mode - Dirt 28:46
11. Ill Nino - What Comes Around (Day Of The Dead Mix) 33:43
12. Mudvayne - Dig (Everything And Nothing Mix) 38:11
13. Method Man - Release Yo Delf (Prodigy Mix) 43:08
14. Saliva - 800 49:04
15. Five Pointe 0 - The Infinity 53:41
16. Resident Evil - The Umbrella Corporation 58:07
17. Marilyn Manson - Resident Evil Main Theme 58:38
18. Marilyn Manson - Seizure Of Power 1:00:47
19. Marilyn Manson - Reunion 1:04:40
20. Marilyn Manson - Cleansing 1:07:26

Marilyn Manson - Resident Evil main theme.

28 Weeks Later Theme - John Murphy

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Questionnaire: Part 2

When Creating our questionaries we came up with 7 questions we wanted to know the answers to in order to move forward with our development. As our target age group is for 25 and under we chose to only take results from this catogarie. Ubove is the 10 sets of results we collected from the questionaries.

80% said the genres they would place with 'Zombie' films are Comedy and action.

40% felt the story line was the most important part of a film

Monday 14 October 2013

Zombie Film Questionnaire

-The responses we get from our questionnaire will help us in shaping our film and the content of our trailer. We decided we'd like to ask questions to do with characters and locations as well, as they will help us to craft our trailer.

Zombie Film Questionnaire:

Please note that on questions with an asterisk (*) you can choose more than one answer.

1. Do you enjoy watching Zombie films?
  - Yes
  - No
  -It depends on the content of the film.

2. Would you prefer a male or female protaganist?
  - Male
  - Female
  - Either

3. Which of the locations would you like to see in a zombie film?*
  - A school
  - A field
  - An Empty Multi-storey Car Park
  - A House

4. Do you prefer the wounds/deaths in films to be tame or gory?
  - Tame
  - Gory
  - Either

5. Do you think that having a protaganist at a similar age to you will make you want to see the film?
  - Yes
  - No
  - Possibly

6. Which of the following things would you like in the trailer for a film?*
  - Action
  - Hints of the Plot
  - Character Backstories
  - All of the Above

7. Which Sub-genres would you like to be addressed in the film?*
  - Comedy
  - Romance
  - Sci-Fi

8. Would you prefer the film to be set in the present of twenty years in the future?
  - In the Present
  - Twenty Years in the Future
  - Either

Zombie Film Moodboard

Friday 11 October 2013

Audience Profiling

For Shaun of the dead the male gender is the dominante in watching this specific film, this could be because not only is it a zombie film, it is a comedy also, this could mean that our trailer would be specifically aimed at men. The age range for this film is 15-24 which is basically teenagers an young adults, this could be because again, it is a comedy involving two actors known for being funny.

For resident evil, the main age group to watch this film is 15-24 which means that our trailer should be aimed at young adults and teenagers. The male gender is the most popular to watch this film, this could be because the film involves horror zombie, and also an attractive young woman (Milla Jovovich), this means that are gender audience target should be male.

For resident evil: Apocalypse , the main age group to watch this film is 15-24 which means that our trailer should be aimed at young adults and teenagers. The male gender is the most popular to watch this film, this could be because the film involves horror zombie, and also an attractive young woman (Milla Jovovich), this means that are gender audience target should be male.

For resident evil: Afterlife, the main age group to watch this film is 15-24 which means that our trailer should be aimed at young adults and teenagers. The male gender is the most popular to watch this film, this could be because the film involves horror zombie, and also an attractive young woman (Milla Jovovich), this means that are gender audience target should be male.

For I am Legend the main gender group is male, closely followed by females, this would be because the main character is a male (will smith) an the audience can somewhat relate, and because the film is an action thriller/horror with zombies. The main age group that watches this film is 15-24, this shown that my trailer should be targeted at young adults and teenagers.

Make-Up Tutorials

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Production Companies

- Twisted Pictures: Had it's first success with the Saw film franchise. It's an American independent production company, specialising in the horror genre. It was formed after the box office success of Saw in 2004, which lead to a nine-picture deal with Lionsgate. The company went on to produce six sequels in the Saw film series.

The clip shows barbed wires and a nail, resembling the scenery in the saw series. I think this is a very effective studio clip as it clearly shows the audience what the genre is before its even began. The animated clip also has the wire wrapping its way around the text in a very eerie sinister way after leaving scars. This personifies the text making it seem as if it can be scarred.

- Hammer Films: Based in the UK and founded in 1934 its best know for its Gothic films made in the 50s-70s. Its success can also come down to its partnership with major studios such as Warner Bros. Some of the popular films made by these companies include: Frankenstein, Dracula and The Mummy. 

This studio has alot more films to its name than twisted pictures and shows this by presenting these films in the title. Although its impressive and good they are crediting all of there previous accomplishments, I feel it takes the attention way from the current film. It feels more like a TV advert and less like a movie studio clip. 

- Between the two we would most likely be using twisted pictures to be the film studio company we use in our opening. It looks more creative and sets up the genre of the film better than Hammer films does. Our films also have very subtle colours so Twisted pictures is more fitting.

Monday 30 September 2013

Research Targets

Excellent effort George - a great stasrt to this year's coursework portfolio! To improve your research further aim to revisit posts and make sure all of the following areas have been addressed: Genre Target Audience Characters Narrative Engimas Titles Camera Composition Sound Mise En Scene Unique Selling Points Pace of editing Get your other posts upoloaded and make sure your stay afloat and work tidy George! A really good start - well done!

Friday 20 September 2013

Zombie Film Spider Diagram

Film Certificates

Universal (U) - All ages admitted, there is nothing unsuitable for children.
Example: The Smurfs, Turbo.
Parental Guidance (PG) - All ages are admitted, but certain references could be unsuitable for young children. May contain mild language and sex/drugs references. It can contain mild language and sex/drugs references. May contain moderate violence if justified by context. (E.G: Fantasy Violence.)
Example: Oz the Great and Powerful, The Sapphires.
12A - Cinema only. This classification was introduced in 2002. Films in this category are considered to be unsuitable for young children. Those aged under 12 are onlya admitted if they are accompanied by an adult, at all times during the motion picture. It's generally not recommended that children under 12 should watch the film. Films in this category contain mature themes, discrimination, soft drugs, infrequent strong language and discretely portrayed. Sexual violence may be implied.
Example: Red 2, Pacific Rim, Iron Man 3.
12 - Home media only. Same specifics as a 12A, but some new mature content may have been added.
Example: Les Miserables, The Perks of being a Wallflower.
15 - Only those over 15 years are admitted. Nobody younger than 15 can rent or buy a 15 film. Films under this category can contain adult themes, hard drugs, frequent strong language and strong violence and sex references. Sexual activity may be portrayed but without any strong detail. Sexual violence may be shown if discreet and justified by context.
Example: The Heat, Mama
18 - Only adults are admitted. Nobody younger than 18 can rent or buy an 18-rated film, or watch an 18-film in the cinema. Films in this category don't have a limitation on the bad language, hard drugs are allowed, and explicit sex references and  along with detailed sexual activity are also allowed.
Example: Django Unchained, Evil Dead

Monday 16 September 2013

Kick Ass 2 Trailer

Kick-Ass 2 is a 2013 sequel to the 2010 film Kick-Ass. It was distributed by Universal Pictures and starred Aaron Taylor Johnson and Chloe Grace Moretz, who portay Kick-Ass and Hit Girl respectively.The film centre's around Kick-Ass who has inspired other oridnary people to don costumes and become superheroes.

Chloe Grace Moretz is known for her controversial role as Hit Girl in the first film of the Kick-Ass series, where she was trained in a variety of weapons and used foul language. Since her casting in the film she has been cast in a lot of other high profile projects, including the 2013 remake of the horror classic, Carrie.

The Mortal Instruments Trailer

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones is a 2013 film starring Lily Collins and Jamie Campbekll Bower and is the first film in the Mortal Instruments film series, based on the series of books by Cassandra Clare. The studio behind the film, Constantin Film, have already greenlit a sequel that is going to be released in 2014 titled The Mortal Instruments: City of Ashes.

Lily Collins, the daughter of well known musician Phil Collins, plays the lead role of Clary Fray. A girl who discovers she is part of a secret society that fight demons, and has to choose between a boy she's known her whole life or someone she's just met. Clary's love interests are played by Robert Sheehan, and Irish actor who is best known for his role of Nathan in Misfits, and Jamie Campbell Bower, who is known for his roles in Twilight and Harry Potter. The film's cast lacks any superstars, which may end up effecting the film's success.

The film fits into the Teen Fantasy genre, as it is centred towards a teen audience.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Skyfall Poster Analysis

The image shows Daniel Craig, in character as James bond standing in front of Big Ben, a well known landmark associated with London. He is leaning on the bonnet of an old car, and is holding a gun in his hand. The shot used ia long shot, as it shows the scenery behind him and the posture of the character.
The poster is black and white, with the exception of the logo of the James Bond  which is the numbers 007 made to look like a gun. It is typed in gold and draws the eye of the viewer, as it is the only coloured part of the poster.When the viewer looks at it, it's eyes will be dran to the logo, which will make them realise it is the next installment of the James Bond franchise.
The font used is very plain, and the titles is written in all capitals. Inside the letters, there appears to be some sort of mist,fog or flames. This makes the audience think of themystery or danger that is so often associated with the 007 films.The font of the logo is in italics and is in a writing style similar to that of old fashioned action films. the font of th

The unique selling point of the poster is that it's a James Bond film, which really does make people want to see the film, as they'll want to know what will happen in the next installment. Skyfall was distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Columbia Pictures, two well known film distributors.

Friday 6 September 2013

Ender's Game Trailer

Enders Game is a 2013 science fiction film based on the book by Orson Scott Card. It stars Asa Butterfield and Ben Kingsley. It is being distributed by two high profile studios, Lionsgate and Summit Entertainment.

Asa Butterfield is best known for his role in the film Hugo. The trailer has a lot of metallic colours, these will have been used to emphasise that the film is set in the future, and that it is a dystopian society. The characters are all wearing similar costumes, which shows the uniformity of the time that the film is set. There are a few special effects elements, which further helps to get across that this is a science fiction film.

Saturday 24 August 2013

Thor 2: The Dark World Trailer

Thor: The Dark World is a 2013 film that is part of the Marvel Studios shared cinematic universe. It is distributed by Walt Disney and stars Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, this film marks the third time the pair have worked together, as they have also worked together on The Avengers and Thor. Natalie Portman returns as Jane Foster, the main characters love interest.

Chris Hemsworth is an australian actor who started off on the Australian soap opera Home and Away before launching his career after being cast as the superhero Thor. Since he was cast as the character, his career has taken off, with him being cast in several high profile projects.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

We're The Millers Trailer

We're The Millers is a 2013 comedy film starring Jason Sudeikis and Jennifer Aniston. The film was distributed by Warner Bros and uses the two main stars of the film to gain atttention.
The film is centred around a drug dealer, played by Sudeikis, who needs to smuggle a large shipment of drugs, and decides to hire a mobile home and several people to pretend to be his family. It has a variety of characters that are very different, with different stereotypes coming into play. With a goth, a nerd, a drug dealer and a stripper. Apparently ending in a confrontation with a drug cartel. The film features a few action scenes, as seen in the trailer.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Bling Ring Trailer

The Bling Ring is a 2013 film starring Harry Potter star Emma Watson. It was directed and distributed by an indie film studio.
The film focuses around a group of teenagers who start breaking into Celebrities houses and stealing their belongings. It's based on a true story.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug

The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug is a 2013 fantasy film that is part of the Lord of the Rings film series, and a seguel to the previous film The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. It stars Sherlock Co-Stars Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman as Smaug and Bilbo Baggins respectively.
The film has a large ensemble cast, with a wide variety of star power. Some actors from the original films are returning, this could be a unique selling point of the film, as people would like to see the origins of the characters. Martin Freeman returns as the main character Bilbo Baggins, and for the role he has had to film heavily with green screen and motion capture, as his character is shorter than many of the other in the film, with the exceptions of the dwarves.

Thursday 18 July 2013

This Is The End Trailer Analysis

When the famous actor James Franco hosts a party at his Hollywood home, the celebrity guests end up hiding out there as the apocalypse ravages the world around them.
One of the unique selling points of the film is that the actor's are playing themselves, which allows them to play an over the top caricatured version of themselves, and also make fun of the way that the press represents them. Also, fans of the film Pineapple Express will go and watch the film, as it has the same creative team, and has many of the cast in the new film. 
The narrative of the film is very similar to other films of it's genre, as it has a mixture of satire, with the celebrities making fun of themselves. It also features several cameos from other high profile actors, such as Emma Watson, Channing Tatum and the pop star Rihanna. This will urge people to watch the film, as they will want to see if they can make fun of themselves, and if they can do it well.

Sunday 14 July 2013

The Wolverine Trailer Analysis

"When the infamous Wolverine is found by a Japanese woman brandishing a sword, he ends up following her on a journey that frees him for the curse of his immortatlity."

The narrative of the trailer shows us the general storyline of the film, with Logan being found by Yukio and sent to a man he saved from a nuclear blast several years ago. He offers Logan a solution to his immortality, that will finally let him die and be with his deceased lover, Jean Grey, also known as the phoenix. The rest of the trailer follows Logan on his journey, showing him fighting assasins and nijas, and eventually the Marvel Comics villain named Silver Samurai.

One of the unique selling point of the film is that the main star, Hugh Jackman, has gained more of a high profile since the last Wolverine film. Having bagged himself an Oscar, this means that people will be intrigued to see how he goes from playing Jean Valjean in Les Miserables, to an indestructible mutant with metal claws. Another unique selling point is that it is centred around Wolverine, a high profile character from Marvel Comics. It also feautres a cameo from Famke Janssen, the actress who played Jean Grey, a character who was killed in another film of the franchise, X-Men: The Last Stand. 

Thursday 11 July 2013

The Vow Trailer Analysis

The Vow is a 2012 film starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum. It centres around a recently married couple, who are blissfully happy and have just begun their married life by moving in together. However, their happiness is shattered when they are in a car crash, leaving Paige (McAdams) having no memory of her new husband.

The Vow's trailer fits the convention of a romance film by using things such as romantic music, high-key lighting and bright colour. It opens with a wedding, a common event in romantic comedies, and then has a tragic event, a common story used in romance films.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

X-Men: Days of Future Past Poster Analysis

X-Men: Days of Future Past is an upcoming 2014 action film, and the newest instalment in Fox's X-Men franchise. For the new film, which is based on one of the most successful comic book stories of all time, the cast of the original trilogy and X-Men: First Class will come together in what's being called 'the biggest superhero film of all time.' Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian Mckellen return as Professor X and Magneto respectively, as do James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender.

The format of the poster is extremely simple. The actor who originally played the character is in the background in black and white, and layered over the top is an X with the modern actor in a bold colour, playing on the name of the franchise. The poster manages to hint at the storyline of the film, showing both sets of actors makes people think about the size and scale of the film. Each character has their own colour, with Professor X having blue, a calm colour, and Magneto having red, the colour of anger.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Safe Haven Trailer Analysis

Safe Haven is a 2013 film about a woman called Erin who runs away from an abusive relationship, only to find a new life in a small town. She meets a man named Tom, and they eventually fall in love. However, Erin's past catches up with her, eventually threatening her life.
The narrative of the trailer is very much like that of the film, showing us clips of Erin running away from Boston and to the safety of Southport. It then shows us how the events unfold in the film, but without giving us the events that take place at the end. We see that Tom has two children from a previous relationship, which means that their may be the common conflict in romance films where the children do not want their mother to be replaced.
The film is set in a place called Southport, where there is a beach, and the weather is traditionally clear. The audience will automatically assume that the film is set in the present day. All of the sets seem to be genuine houses, rather than scenery that had to be built for the film. The costumes that the characters wear are generally normal clothes, making the audience see them as slightly more human.
The key light for most of the outdoor scenes was the sun, as they filmed near the coast, meaning that a lot of the time they had the natural light that they needed. The outdoor scenes probably had several lights, as they have to make sure that the actors body language and facial expressions can be seen.
The trailer has a wide range of camera shots, but has several close ups on Josh Duhamel, which will make female audiences want to see him in the film, as he is the stereotypical male used for romance films. There is an establishing shot of the seaside town, and of the main character's house.
Some of the shots used have a soft focus, as this further reiterates the gentle tones that are usually found in romance films. In establishing shots or action shots, there is a deep focus, as that makes it easy for the audience to establish what the setting is.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Mirrors Poster

The genre for the film is a horror/thriller, and the poster conveys this by having lowkey lighting, and it also has very bleak colours, apart from the tittle which is written in red. The colour of blood. The poster has a dark feel to it, as the slogan at the bottom of the page, with the word Evil strongly hinting that the film has an antagonist, and the title making it sound supernatural. The title of the film is a standard horror film style title, as the font is traditional and seems as though it has been used before. The film shows three of themain characters, and showcases the actor who plays the lead to entice fans of his work to go and see the film. The title style has an R facing the opposite way to the R next to it, playing on the name on the film. The film slogan has a smaller font and is written in white, seperated in the middle by the child who is looking at his reflection in the pool below. 

Friday 28 June 2013

Avengers Assemble: Poster Analysis

Avengers Assemble: Poster Analysis

The poster for Avengers Assemble is extremely ambitious, it does it's best to show off quite a large, star studded cast. After all, what's the point of having an Avengers film if all of them aren't on the poster? The poster manages to fit all of the famous faces onto the poster effectively, and hints at the blot with the background of the poster. Right at the front of the poster they have Iron Man, played by Robert Downey Junior. Iron Man is the most succesful property from Marvel Studios, so it doesn't take a lot of guessing to understand why he is the largest actor on the poster. Thor, Captain America and Hulk have all had solo films released, so they are slightly larger on the poster, whereas Nick Fury, Black Widow and Hawkeye have only appeared in the previous films, never had their own. The text of the poster has the Avenger's signature A with an arrow going through it.

Thursday 27 June 2013

Hunger Games: Catching Fire Trailer Analysis

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is a 2013 film based on the book of the same name. It was being directed by Francis Lawrence and distributed by Lionsgate (The company behind the first Twilight film). The film is the second in The Hunger Games franchise, based around a young girl in the future who is forced to fight to the death against other teenagers in an arena. The film is to be followed by the films Mockingjay: Part One and Mockingjay: Part Two, which are going to be released in 2014 and 2015 respectively. 

Jennifer Lawrence is an American actress who shot to fame in the film Winter's Bone, for her performance she was nominated for an Academy Award. She is the second youngest actress to ever be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress. She took on the role of Katniss Everdeen after reading the books that the film series is based on, she also made a name for herself by replacing Rebecca Romijjin as Mystique in the X-Men franchise. 
The film requires a large special effects budget as a futuristic city is required, as are fight sequences, explosions and simulations. In the trailer it shows off the special effects, showing off a training simulation that the contestants of the Hunger Games must take part in. 

The film fits into the genre of Science Fiction and Action, as the film contains action sequences, but is set in a dystopian future. It challenges the stereotypes of action, as it has a woman doing most of the fighting and her saving her boyfriend from being killed a lot of the time. The film centres around Katniss trying to stop a rebellion before changing her mind and deciding to lead it.

Trailer Analysis